
"Replays" or emits old values to new subscribers

Why use ReplaySubject?

This subject variation shines when you want subscribers to have access to previous values emitted, even if they subscribe after those values have been sent. Think of it as a Tivo or DVR for observables. Missed the start of the show? No worries! With a ReplaySubject, you can still catch up on what you missed.

For a real-world example, consider a chat application. When a user joins a chatroom, they might want to see the last few messages, not just new ones. A ReplaySubject can hold onto a specified number of the most recent messages and display them to the user when they join.

Now, how does it compare with BehaviorSubject or a plain Subject?

  • BehaviorSubject always requires an initial value and only stores the most recent value. Subscribers will get that latest value upon subscription. It's like walking into a movie and only catching the most recent scene.

  • Subject, on the other hand, doesn't give new subscribers any previously emitted values. It’s the traditional live broadcast. If you're late, you miss out.

  • ReplaySubject can remember more than just the last scene. Depending on how it's configured, it might replay the entire movie or just the last few scenes.

However, be cautious. ReplaySubject can potentially use more memory since it's storing multiple values. Ensure that you specify a limited buffer size if you're concerned about memory consumption.

In conclusion, if you want the ability to replay a series of previous emissions to new subscribers, ReplaySubject is your go-to. If you only care about the most recent emission (with an initial value), opt for BehaviorSubject. And if you want a basic, no-frills broadcasting mechanism where late subscribers miss prior emissions, stick with a plain Subject.


Example 1: simple ReplaySubject

( Stackblitz )

// RxJS v6+
import { ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs';

const sub = new ReplaySubject(3);;;
sub.subscribe(console.log); // OUTPUT => 1,2; // OUTPUT => 3; // OUTPUT => 4
sub.subscribe(console.log); // OUTPUT => 2,3,4 (log of last 3 values from new subscriber); // OUTPUT => 5,5 (log from both subscribers)

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